"Stupidity isn't punishable by death. If it was, there would be a hell of a population drop." - Anita Blake "The Laughing Corpse"

Age 39, Female



Joined on 6/21/10

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....Umm, I don't know, stuff.

What have you been up to lately?

Well I have a part-time job now. I've been going back to the gym and I'm dying my mini fro burgundy. So what about you?

Let's talk about Kunera

Kunera is a nice young man who visits my page now and then. I enjoy him very much. But in reality he is a ninja assassin. I have a mission for him and I hope he can accomplish it.

Oh shi-

Anyway, apart from being a ninja assassin, I'm just getting through Finals week. I have an exam this morning, and one tomorrow morning, then I'll be moving back home. It'll be nice to see my friends and family again, that's for sure.

Oh, and while we're at it, let's talk about TurkeyBased, after discussing Squidbit.

I remember finals week. Once I tried to study BIO 211 the night before the final exam. I had to retake the class. I hop you did well on your finals. Hope you have a great summer! Go crazy!!

MiloBased/TurkeyBased is this crazy black kid with dreads. He makes trap music for all the gangsta mothafukkas. He started his one crew called Lesbians which I'm happily to be apart of. And I know all his deepest darkest secrets.

Let's talk about mizzjuicyflava

What you want to know about her? I mean she's ok. I guess.

Did you know tsukikomi got banned?

Really??? The bbs or the website itself?

EDIT: oh I see. I read her blot. A lot of people have been banned lately.

I want to know how you think of her. What are her good qualities? What are her bad ones?
Is she happy with herself? If yes; why? If no; why not?

I think she's an awesome person.

Her good qualities: very kind, is great with people, has the ability to make people feel good about themselves, bubbly, very considerate of others, knows how to turn a bad situation good.

Her bad qualities : naive, tenderhearted, not a quick thinker, doubtful, submissive, lazy(sometimes) .

She told me she was happy with herself, because she had a rough past and she came out just fine.

Anything else you want to know?

I'm pretty sure I did fine on my exams. I just got everything moved back home today, and I have to admit, nothing feels quite as good as moving back home for the summer.

There's no place like home. You can travel thousand miles but home is where the heart is. Its where you first began. I know your going to have a great time with her friends. What are your plans?

Yeah, definitely. There's just a lot of things you can't get up at the dorm, like good food, a good bed, good company (well, I've been friends with my roommate since like elementary school, but you can't beat your family), and so on. As far as plans go, I haven't thought too much past relaxing after getting everything unpacked, but I do plan on getting together with some friends to play some music, since I'll actually have time to practice playing the drums, which I couldn't exactly bring to the dorm, for obvious reasons.

Other than that, I'll probably clean out our pool with my mom, and hope that it gets nice and hot so we can use it enough to warrant all the work we put into it every year.

Cool. Its fun to catch up with friends. Just recently I had dinner with a few classmates. It was nice. So you play the drums?? AWESOME!!!! I love percussion! I used to play drums and a lot of auxiliary. Its been years though, I'm rusty. And there's nothing like good old homecookingor your favorite restaurants. Eating processed food is cruel.

That's all i wanted to know, unless you want to tell more :)

Ok cool. Mizzjuicyflava wants to know the same about you.

Oh, well, i think FairSquare's an ok person. But not all that great.
I have a good sense of humour and i can be charming. I'm not dumb and very tolerant of people. Friendly.
Bad qualities.. lazy. Think too much, do too little. Very closed personality (although i give person the impression that i'm open for some reason). I care too little about myself.

Maybe its because your friendly. You can have a closed personality and be friendly. Sometimes people have to earn the real you.

I meant that i am very tolerant of people. Not that i'm not.

Lol I knew what you meant. I'm very tolerant of people too. Its not hard at all. Patience is the key.

Why isn't anyone dancing in this picture?????

I was trying to figure that out myself. I mean it was sunny and the weather was nice. And i just noticed the buttcheeks in the corner.

Mmm, gotta love that sun!

I know right! Can't wait to go back. N

I haz new review.


I miss Daria. :-(

*sob* I do too. I fucking do too.

If its true that personality can start from the womb based on sounds that surrounds the mother, my mom watched to much Daria while pregnant with me

Lol. Maybe you are her reincarnation.

I remember seeing Daria along with Beavis and Butthead. MTV was much better then, I agree. I don't/can't watch it now (I don't get the channel and wouldn't care to, anyway). I miss when they played music videos all the time.

I missed videos too. Everything on there is bad reality shows. They still show videos but only 3 in the morning. I remember The Grind. I used to pretend I was a dancer and try to do the latest moves.

I never had cable in the 90s.
I've only ever seen Daria stuff on tumblr, and until just now I thought it was still on TV.

The last time I seen a full ep of Daria was about 12 years ago. It was on a satellite channel called Teen Nick or Noggin. It was on the same Channel as Degrassi. Idk if they still air the show though.

Speaking of tumblr, I joined that site but what the hell is it?

It's a blog thing, but almost entirely about being unoriginal and reblogging things that other people have posted. You gotta follow people, otherwise it's pretty useless. I think the hardest part is finding people to follow at first.
Also "Nick or Noggin" sounds racist. But I think it's mostly the "Nick or" part.

There are so many social sites, its ridiculous. I just joined Instagram and its a pretty nice site. You just follow people and their pictures.

Noggin does sound a bit to close to the n word. My older brother used to call nickelodeon...well you guess what he put in front of lodeon.

So crippled people are haunted by lots of crippled ghosts?

Not exactly. I mean it would be creepy if a ghost in a wheelchair rolled upon you. And you are in a wheelchair. And the ghost chases you and you really cant run so you wheel areound all day running from other wheelchair ghosts. I just dropped some knowledge on your ass.

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