"Stupidity isn't punishable by death. If it was, there would be a hell of a population drop." - Anita Blake "The Laughing Corpse"

Age 39, Female



Joined on 6/21/10

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Start pimping
If that's legal

pimp who or what? I heard it aint easy ya know

Well, I don't know your case but I'm still around with the car my father bought 19 years ago...

Well Im in college and working and living on my own. Im not making enough to get a car right because I have less hours. I have an 01 chevy impala. I've been having a lot of problems with running hot and all.

Easy...... demand and borrow money else wise, Get a Job, Save the Money and go buy yourself a New Car.. Yeah it's in SC, Hey At least you're not in Sapfir's Way. Do you believe that Sapfir aka Sapphire fell for the Computer Virus message that said "You Can lost Weight for risking your Computer?" Anyhow... If I were you I'd get a Job.. I'm about to work as a Server at a Pizza Place soon :) Well Peace ~ZimDragonlord

What you know about SC? LOL!
Any way i do have job, its costing more to get it fixed more than anything. I did save some money, i used it for my car and then it messed up again. lawd lawdy lawd!

I know that problems... and replacing pieces are every day more rare to find. I had to use not original candles, which get them to be changed more often, and the friction is... well, old... but it's hard to find an alternative, not with that prices, if not start walking everywhere :D

lol I might have to start walking for real. Maybe I could loose a couple lbs.

Pimpin doesn't have to be too hard
keep it simple to one person or thing and you can make a little
its when you get greedy does it get hard
Keep it simple

ok sounds fair. So have you pimped before?

But I have a cousin who used to
He got greedy and got locked up for slavery
Be fair to whoever you pimp, or it will bite you in the ass

ohh ok i gotcha. be fair when it comes to pimpin

Ah.... My God Don't PIMP for the love of GOD.... That makes the Stereotype even Worst.. KILLY12 seriously Stop harassing Missjuicyflava for me... You know it's not Funny to even mention the word PIMP.. I mean Seriously, That makes both Our Stereotypes even worse to Society. Now don't tell me what to do KILLY12. I've seen all that nasty Violent Wearing stereotypical people, They end up in Prison not Jail! Also, Do you know that They have to go through Probation hearing, Court and Charges. Yes, In America Females also get Charged as well us Men. Don't disagree with me... I've seen it too much in the Media..! I'm From the Ghetto Society and I know that Pimping is against the Law from Where I live! Also, It's not Cool It's Uncool! Alrighty? KILLY12? Missjuicy I'd Block him If I were you, He's giving you a Horrible Influence on you.. You can Block him easy....! Just scroll down and when you see Block User just selected it and block him..... I know what you've don't make me contact the Administrators here and have your account removed...!

lol we are joking. Im not going to pimp anyone or anything. I do nt have the time to do that anyway. Im not going to block him though KILLY12 is cool just like you.

Yup, Haters gonna hate... I supported Great members like you... Congratulations! You are now a Supporter... Yup, It didn't cost you a Thing.. You should be Happy now! I'm Glad you had the right approach to add me back! That took a lot of respect and <3! Besides, We're close Partners and You don't really need to pay me back! I mean Your a Cool Person and You should pursue on your dream. I'm not a BF Figure However, I will Protect you from Stupid, Obnoxious, and Ignorant Male Users here.. I know how that feels, It's really stressful! I'm in a Similar situation here! There's an Evil Couple That wants me to FAIL. I Solely blame on the Guy. He's from Florida, He's a Marijuana Abuser and Every time I see his Picture next to a Brilliant Female Animator it cracks my visions up. She never Smiles, I sort of liked her Owl Cartoon back then until that Guy Abused her secretly somehow. Yeah, I know how that feels.... I'm still Abused Today and it's really really painful in Both the Psychological area and the Physical Area of my life!

oh ok...i guess

Pimps exist
I don't believe in acting like something's not real just because it's not the most helpful image
Stereotypes are just the images a culture was taught to be ashamed of because of another culture
Prison and jail is all the same to me because it's all fucked up
I don't give it enough respect to differentiat it
And pimping is a hustle
In some states it's legal and done right
In some cases it's a necessity and eventually gets greedy and exploitive
Pumping is alright
Once you take the time to understand it
From all points of views

-_- Look, People in New York is cool and all! However There's this one Voice Guy who think he's a know it all when it comes to OSHA. Well, Here's News Flash for him.. He tried to Kidnap people, mainly aiming for Asian and African-Americans. He's obviously a Stupid New Yorker that Keeps on bitching on Voice Acting and TYPE CAPS LIKE THIS. You know, I don't wanna argue however.... Don't hang around with the Yeungling aka YChang. He's a Pimp Mainly, towards Asians and African American. He's Obviously used Sapphire like an Object, All I can see is that Y man is an Idiot.... He Implemented the halloween party of 2013, Just so he can Hurt, Brutalize and Rape Rina!

This is a valid fact that He's a Troll, Uneducated Big Punk that's about to learn it the hard way why PIMPs like him as well as Chris-chan will get Arrested if they Invaded Our Territory! I can tell That YC was an Enemy just because He said Racial Terms that Even you MizzjuicyFlava will get Offended from. He used the Nastiest Term in the Dictionary..... Now, Tell me I know that your a Strong, Dedicated, Mature Woman. I believe in you because I know the Pain,

I don't even know if I can have a Child in my life because of the Racial Remark I receive from the Voice Acting Community Thanks to YC's Happy Extortion I don't even know if I'm allowed in CA! Now Tell me, In your Own words..... "What could I accomplish in Life?" If you really need a place to stay I'll welcome you to a Friend of mine's Area if He would allow you to stay. I mean I was raised in the South Too, I got my behind kicked Numerous Times and I'm just sick of Fighting! btw, By looking at YC He's Obviously on Drugs! How can I tell, he used Prejudice Terms to offend us! He even try to harass me on Tumblr, And Finally He dislikes Canadians for some reason I don't even wanna read his Offensive Posts in NG, YT, or even Tumblr!

So here's another Advice "Think before you act, The Future is in your own Hands!"
You're welcome and I hope you will find a Better Future for yourself! I really hope i can guide Intelligent, Dedicated, Optimistic Person just like you ;) ~ZimDragonlord NG

whats going on in these comments

lmfao!!! im trying to figure that out myself. but its all good.