In line at alltell and heard this conversation.Some white dude was like " I have never been with a black chick before. I want to fuck one before I die" Then his friend was like." Oh dude that would be awesome! I mean I would love to tap a chocolate ass!" The other guy was like. " I wonder where we can find any black girls who would go wih us?" I was next in line so I could not finish hearing the convo. But i did many white guys do fantasize about black woman. Hummmm I wonder...?
A voluptious woman on Newgrounds hmm? I'm glad there's one here. I'm a man that prefers his women with a bit more meat on them. When I see thin women all I can say is that they don't look so good or healthy. But when I see a women that pack a bit of pounds on them I say that they must be a bit healthy to survive compare to those sick looking ones. All I can say is welcome. And stay sexy for a man like me! Good day.
lol Im glad somone on here appreciate my body type! Thanks for the welcome and Ill try to stay sexy!