I don't get it human beings sometime.
If you treat people like shit, no one will like you.
If you lie all the fucking time, no one will believe you.
If you act childish and ignorant, people will treat you like a joke.
If you are too lazy to help yourself and use others, people will cease their assistance.
It amazes me how people act so ignorant and so fucking stupid. They make stupid decisions and wonder why their life isn't going so well. And then it becomes a neverending cycle. Its like picking at a sore that will not heal.
All the while, folks like you and me sit back watch this ptiful show, and thank God ( or whatever) that it is not us.
I apologize if I sound ranty. It just puzzles me.
They dont want to do things so they live like parasites
And when they get cut off they want to make excuses so someone could pity they
pity makes it feel as though its not their faults and there is someone to help them
but too many times the person isn't a helper but an enabler
Helping them survive in the position they're in now instead of helping them progress
Its a sad situation. I mean If it were me, I"ll be so greatful that someone is taking the time to help me. I dont expect them to do it for ever. I would try to find a way to return the favor.