I dont know what it is but I'm in love with kawaii sushi!!!! They are so adorable! !! I'm going to get the plushies soon and a tshirt! I really do miss my sushi banner too.
Now I have a new cellphone. Its a samsung galaxy s. I can actually watch flash and play games on this phone. NEATO!
Also, penis,cock and dicks.
@majormelthesackboy: I'm sorry. I deleted your comment. I'm still trying to get used to the touch screen.
I need a new cell phone soon, and I was actually looking into the one you have! I hear a lot of great things about it.
Adorable SHUSHIS!
I used to have a blackberry but I needed a change. Its a really great phone. I mean you can do just about anything on this phone. There are over 900 apps for this phone.