I got a pm from an anonymous user asking, "Are you really a black female?." I said, "Yes. Why?" Anonymous said, "Its just weird to see black girls on here." That's not the first pm I have received in that manner.
Now I feel bad and creeped out. Like I'm not supposed to be here or something. Its all good though. Really, what websites do you think black woman join??
So how do you feel about a black woman on NG? A fat black woman at that.
Note: I know you guys are probably tired of me talking about stuff like this.
EDIT: Well its spring break and Im going to the beach for a few days. Going to get a tan and, eat crab legs and stare at speedo bulges all day. See you guys in about a week or so. Ill bring back a few souvenirs.
BACK FROM THE BEACH!!!!! I had a great time! I didn't get to see any speedo men, but I did get see dead jelly fish. I ate crab legsuntil I passed out. I especially enjoyed my godson and the baby girls. They tried to build a sandcastle, but they were adorably unsuccessful. I could go on and on about my trip but I dont feel like it. But if you have any a questions about it just ask.
I dunno, it isn't that weird.
I mean, it's true that there aren't any other black females on here as far as i know, but that doesn't mean it's weird to see one :p
Anonymous probably has a thing for black girls..
There are a lot of guys who has a thing for black girls. They are afraid to act upon it.