I when I first joined Newgrounds everyone thought I wss a man.
When every one found out I was female, they were digusted and perverted.
When everyone found out I was black and female, they were shocked and appalled.
Lol memories.
I kinda wish I joined this site a few years earlier. Maybe my experience here would be different. Its like all the fun is gone and I missed it. It sucks to be late..
my dick again. My dick is below. Again.
Wow. Its amazing how my newspost is now about dicks. Oh Newgrounds! You so crazy!
When I joined newgrounds they thought I was a girl
When they found out I was a guy they were like "poker face"
When they found out I was black they were racist
I miss the threats
Lmao. Opposite beginning, I never really received threats. I just got a lot of pms asking me about my cock.